Plein Air Paintings
"Stand Like a Mountain: Strength and Honor” - 30”x40" Oil Painting (CO) - 2024
"View to the Throne Room” Oil Painting - 15”x30” - 2023 (New Mexico)
"Afternoon Patterns" - 9"x12" (CA), 2017
"Alta Lakes" - 12"x16", Oil Painting (2011)
"Chamisa Bank" - 6"x8", Oil Painting (2006)
"Cottonwood Fall Along the Chama" - 6"x8" (NM), 2020
"Cottonwood Wash" - 9"x12" (AZ), 2015
"Dawn in the Foothills" - 12"x18", Oil Painting -Arizona (2023)
"Fall Arroyo" - 6"x12", Oil Painting (2015)
"Jicarita Plein Air" - 8"x14", Oil Painting (2015)
"Pyramids of the Sonoran Desert" - 11"x14", Oil Painting
"Sangre Spring" - 9"x12", Oil Painting (2003)
"Taos, Late Winter" - 12"x16", Oil Painting (2017)
"The Sea at Casis" - 12"x16" (France), 2012
"Treelines and Foothills"
"Vallecitos Ranch" - 6"x8" (CA), 2018
"View to the Throne Room" - 10”x20”, Oil Painting (New Mexico) - 2023